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What Are Spirit Guides and Do We All Have Them?

When reading for my clients I am often asked “how does it work?” or “how do you give a reading to someone?”

The truth is, no one is really sure. However, my mentor taught me to connect with my guides for readings when I was developing my abilities. I had already been receiving information for many years so it was confusing to differentiate between my own thoughts and messages from my guides. I soon learned to how to filter out my own thoughts and opinions when reading for someone and deliver a message from the guides that related to that person.

Psychics never really know if the information will be received well or even if it is correct until that message has been given and even then we don’t always hear feedback. There is no rehearsal and no script. I have come to learn that as a psychic, you just have to trust what you are being given and however absurd the message may sound, give it anyway. It should usually make sense to the person you are reading for.

No one knows for sure how the messages come through but ask any psychic and they will tell you that we all have spirit guides. Some people believe that these guides are our ancestors or deceased family members.

I, on the other hand, believe that some guides may also be spirits who wanted to become guides in the afterlife and chose a soul to guide. It’s a little like matching a guide dog to a blind person. The guide dog has to be trained, socialized and offered to the right person and those two entities have to get along. Guides can also come and go when they have taught you all they need to teach you and are then replaced with another. Your guides are here to give you love and light and give you information that will help you along life’s journey.

Examples of your guides trying to connect with you include, that gut feeling you get when a dark alleyway seems like the wrong choice. This is your guides trying to communicate with you to take a safer route. We have all had a connection to a person who we like, but have an inner feeling that they are wrong for us. Yup! You’ve guessed it, that nagging feeling that you should give them a wide berth is your guides telling you to date someone else. However, we don’t always listen to our guides despite some really hard-hitting messages staring us in the face. We all have to find our way and guides are just “guides” We don’t have to take their advice but it would be better if we did.

You can learn to listen to your guides a little like listening to your gut. Trust your instincts and if something seems too good to be true, wrong or bad, it usually is. Your guides are loving and wise and are here to support you.

Just as I use my guides for information in readings, you can use yours for helping make decisions. Whenever you need your guides simply close your eyes, place your hand on your solar plexus and say “I am open to messages of love and light” Then ask your question and sure enough the message will come to you either straight away or slightly later. It should come to you like a normal thought but messages can come in any form such as a song a little while after you have asked, a text from a friend, a sign on the wall or a cryptic message via someone else. Look for the signs and you will find them. Your guides are always with you even in the darkest of times. Learn to let them in and listen to the beauty of their messages. 


