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The Gift of Forgiveness

Forgiveness, this is a huge topic, and a very important one if you want to live the life GOD has intended us to live; a life filled with Love, Peace, Joy, and Abundance! I touched on the topic of Forgiveness and its importance in my article, “KNOW YOUR WORTH,” and due to its great significance, I felt the need to devote this article to the subject, “The Gift of Forgiveness.” Yes, Forgiveness is a special gift, a gift you give to yourself and to others!

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Most of us have a hard time forgiving others that have hurt us. I understand how hard it is to forgive someone who has hurt you so badly. I am going to share a very personal, painful part of my life; one of the most painful experiences I have ever endured. Between the ages of 5 and 11, I was molested by more than one person. It took me decades to get over this pain. This pain stole so many years of my life. It robbed me of all those things GOD instilled in me, the Love, the Peace, the Joy, and the Abundance. I did need time, time to heal, but I never gave myself that chance to heal because I chose to block and numb my pain with substances like alcohol, drugs, and sex. I am 41 years old, and those wounds only started to heal less than 3 years ago. I can say now, that I have finally healed those wounds. Hence, it is so easy for me to talk about it so openly.

Though, you know what made those wounds heal faster, Forgiveness, mainly, Forgiveness for myself! I blamed myself for years, for decades. I really thought I caused this to happen to me. I felt so dirty and filled with guilt; but when I finally looked within, I realized the person I needed to forgive was MYSELF! It was not an easy task, forgiving myself, and it certainly did not happen overnight! After much work, through journaling my thoughts and emotions, support from different healers/light workers, and my loving and supportive fiancé, I truly understood the power and gift of forgiveness and I was able to give myself this gift!

The lightness you feel from the act of forgiving yourself is amazing. The love you show to yourself by forgiving yourself is immense, incredible! I gave myself such a beautiful and powerful gift. When I forgave myself, I took my power back! It is incredibly important to forgive yourself. When you do you begin to show yourself, Love, then Peace and Joy follow.

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Now, remember earlier I began to say that, Forgiveness of others was difficult for most of us, but really what I have discovered in this journey is that Forgiving Yourself is even more difficult! This is why it is so hard for us to forgive those who have hurt us, because most of us are walking around with guilt and pain of the past, and we never think of forgiving ourselves for our past actions. Whatever that may be for you. When I began to forgive myself for everything, including any past indiscretions or self-sabotaging behaviors, I was able to let go. Let go of everyone and everything that ever hurt me, even the people responsible for sexually abusing me!

Yes, I know it might seem unimaginable to hear that I have forgiven them wholeheartedly, but I truly have! They hold no power over me. I can even say I can be in the same room with them and not be bothered. I wasn’t able to do this many years ago, but now I am in such a healthy and balanced state of being. I have prayed for all those who hurt me in the past because I understand the amount of pain they must have been in at the time they hurt me. There is a very true saying, “hurt people hurt people!”

Do you see the gift I have attained by forgiving myself and the gift you are giving to others when you forgive them? You are freeing yourself and freeing them! You are showing yourself the power of LOVE and showing them the power of LOVE. In turn, they might take a deep look at themselves, begin to heal and forgive themselves and all those who hurt them; and maybe they just might see the LIGHT that is within them and all of us. The LIGHT of GOD that is within all of us, filling us with LOVE, PEACE, JOY, and ABUNDANCE! I am so happy I found myself, my GOD within me! I feel so liberated! I am the GIFT! Yes, there is a Gift in Forgiveness, and that GIFT is US! The true Gift is YOU because you found the LIGHT WITHIN you, GOD’s LIGHT, that is YOU, and there is no greater GIFT than YOU!

Love, Light, and Blessings to ALL!!!


