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May I Ask You Something Highly Inappropriate?


May I? May I ask you for something completely absurd? Can I ask you for something that makes you, in your head, go WTF? Can I ask you for something for myself that I would never do for you?

Welcome to the world of business and being an entrepreneur!

This happens. It happens from everyone. Your team, your clients, your suppliers, your joint venture partners, your family, your friends. It can also be your energetic undoing.

We all know that everything has to do with energy. The higher your energy, also known as the happier you are, the easier things fall into place. People are drawn to high energy people. They are drawn to happy people. They want to be near them, work with them, be them.

This is important to keep in mind. So when people ask you for the absurd, the inappropriate, the ‘what the heck’, if you let it take your energy down, make you angry, lose your happiness then it will affect your business. It will affect your magnetic capabilities. It will affect your ability to have an ease with everything.

Remember there is never any harm in asking. Harm is only done when we react with high emotion in a negative way.

Typically we act this way because we do not have boundaries, we have not mastered the art of saying no, or we have belief systems that are clouding our judgment about what is okay to ask and what is not okay to ask.

A question does not kill. A question does not cause failure. A question can open the door to possibilities. So how can it be that bad unless we decide it is.

As a business owner, you create possibilities and opportunities for others. Remember that.

Boundaries, mastery of how to say no, allowance of others, and being open to possibilities creates opportunities for you.

So can I ask you something highly inappropriate?

Can you come in on your day off and do a session for me so that I don’t have to take time off work?

Can I pay you later for that workshop?

Can I have an advance on my commission check when my client base return is like hiccups?

Can you lie to my bank about how much I make so that I can secure a mortgage?

Can you testify in court that my ex is creating mental distress and that is why I see an intuitive?

Can you work on my neighbor for free because I want to appear like I have cool friends?

Can you tell me if my ex-husband is happy with his new wife?

Can I come over for “coffee” at 10 pm at night and interrupt your family time because I drunk texted my ex and my girlfriend found out – for free?

Can I private message you for the umpteenth time on Facebook for just ONE free question?

Can I only have half a session for less than half the price and on a day that you don’t do sessions?


This happens. These are actual questions I have received over 15 years. Even typing them out I was laughing. Can’t blame a person for trying.

Look at it as you must be something amazing that people desire you to the point that they will reach out any time for anything.

How do I handle it?

I put together a system that works for me.

Facebook, emails, phone messages:

Hi —-,

It is great to hear from you. Sorry that you are going through this and I would love to assist you. I understand that you need help and here is what I can do.

Reception can contact you to work out a date and time during my therapy schedule to book something in for you with either myself, another therapist here or if that does not work, I can refer you to another therapist outside of my clinic.

Let me know how you would like to proceed and I will be happy to assist you.

I also have a system for those single question inquiries. I do not respond to any social media, email or phone message requests after hours or on weekends. I ALWAYS direct them back to reception with an indication of what we CAN do.

People asking what one person would deem as highly inappropriate may be extremely appropriate to others in their situation. So can I ask you something completely absurd? How are you going to still assist them and can you lend me ten thousand interest-free to pay for a debt I created all on my with nothing to show for it or sell?


