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Make Friends with Your Fear

Fear of spiders?  Pick one up.  Fear of heights?  Straight to the top!  Fear of falling?  Well, skydive if you must, but we don’t actually have to be quite so extreme when facing our fears. 

Fear of some thing outside of ourselves is probably not going to hold us too far back in life, but when our fear has woven into our integral make-up it becomes fused into our psyche and it becomes a shadow part.

There is a fine line between the fear of failing and fear of succeeding! We fear being judged or humiliated.  Or we fear being seen and heard.  We fear loss.  We fear death.  The very fear of death keeps us separate from living fully.  We don’t take risks, we become overly paranoid about our health, flying, travel…ADVENTURE!  We fear the unknown so we don’t allow ourselves to trust our intuition and leap faithfully into the abyss trusting that our wings will carry us.

When we are in a place of fear, conscious or otherwise, we are not in alignment and connected to Source Energy.  We may think we are not afraid because perhaps it doesn’t manifest as big scary fear, but instead, it rears its stealthy head as worry, stress, illness or self-sabotage.

My clients tell me they are scared of diving into the deep personal work, but why?  They are only looking within.  So we are essentially frightened of ourselves?  What do we think we’ve stored away in our deepest thoughts that we don’t already know about ourselves at some level?  So is it really the fear of responsibility?  Taking 100% ownership of the good the bad and the ugly!  And that little cog in the human wheel is what keeps us choosing to stay stuck and struggling instead of moving forward and becoming capable of everything in our wildest dreams!

I’ve been scared, even terrified and usually, if it wasn’t an actual storm out at sea that was making me pray out loud to every angel listening, it was simply my fear of the unknown.  It’s like a big brick wall that stops us in our tracks.  The old “But what if…?” doubts start churning through our brains.  But, WHAT IF everything is always working out for me under grace in perfect ways?  Then the unknown becomes kind of exciting! 

Instead of, “Oh my God, I have no idea what’s going to happen today, it’s all so scary, I’m not going out.  I’m going to stay right here in my safe anxiety filled comfort zone!”  How would it be if we reframed it to, “Wow!  A day of intrigue.  I wonder what’s going to happen next?  I wonder who I’ll meet?  I can’t wait to go out and create opportunities for myself!”  It’s still the same UNKNOWN, but one response holds you back and the other sets you free. 

It’s not even the actual FEAR that keeps us stuck.  Everyone feels the fear, it gives all of us a moment to pause. The wise see if it’s an actual thing to consider, ie: big man in dark alley with knife; or simply an invented mind set.  It is our RESPONSE to the fear that keeps us stuck or gives us wings.  Fear can paralyse or motivate. There is an energetic response in each of us, but we are not bound to that, we can work with our energy and train ourselves to respond in a way that will better serve us. 

When you feel fearful about something “that’s coming” that’s the time to get excited!  When your client tells you they are scared, congratulate them for stepping up to face their truth!  It means things are already shifting!  Why would we feel that jolt of invisible fear if we weren’t aware of the energy changing within us, our response to whatever the stimuli is, which in most cases is a thought form.Then feel your heart beat raise, feel your blood rushing through your veins, step to the edge…to the very edge, take a deep breath and LEAP! 

And now you’re soaring because you’ve shown the Universe your beautiful wings of faith.


