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The Magic of Machu Picchu


Located in the Amazon Rain Forrest of Peru, Machu Picchu is one of the 7 wonders of the World and home of the ancient Inca civilization.  Known as “the lost city”, Machu Picchu is one of the many energy vortices acknowledged by metaphysicist. Visiting this mysteriously beautiful place has been a transformational experience for many travelers.

Someone visiting Machu Picchu should expect to have a heightened sensitivity to energy. An energy vortex is a geographic location on the metaphysical map that holds an amplified amount of energy. Your vibrations and frequency will begin to match the surrounding energy. This could be extremely overwhelming for an Empath, so double down on protection. Machu Picchu is one of the most spiritually aligning places to visit because it opens and resonates with ALL of the Chakras.

One contributing factor to the spiritual and physical effects on people is that Machu Picchu has a quartz rich terrain. Quartz is a natural healing crystal used in many holistic practices. The primary benefit of quartz is that it is a healing & cleansing energy. Quartz is good for harmony, healing, psychic ability, clarity, and calmness. Quarts healing properties will balance the mental, physical, and emotional spiritual planes. It stimulates the immune system and brings the body and chakras into balance.

Another spiritual benefit is visiting The Intihuatana Stone, also called Saywa stone. This ancient wonder is said to mark the solstices and joining of the sun and the two equinoxes. Every winter and summer solstice the sun shines directly over the monument at high noon. Shamanic legend says that if you put your forehead on the stone you will receive enlightenment and and become open to the spiritual world.

Last, but not least, taking a dip in the natural hot springs at Machu Picchu will serve powerful benefits to the body.  As a byproduct of a heat source with magnetic or volcanic origin, the hot springs are waters that emerge from underground sulfur and settle in different temperatures from the rock and are essentially container pools. The composition and temperature of the water aides in high blood pressure, arthritis, increased oxygen in blood, skin healing, total relaxation.

Imagine visiting a place that centers you from the inside out just through your pure coexistence with it. A place where conversation lasts for hours and has recorded countless “let go’s” and “ah-ha”  moment’s from millions of people. This is one vortex that should be high on the list to experience. What vortex will we next explore?


Till next time, 

Calie Swint 


