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Health Is a Gift

IMG_5114Health is an important part of our life.  When we lose it we have lost our ability to live our highest best life.  When we have health we take it for granted.  We truly do not know how good we have it until we have lost it.

In 2011 I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and have walked a journey of healing.  Every day is a chance to do things better and treat myself with love.

Health is a gift.  Today I want to challenge you to write a letter to your body.

This is mine.

“Dear beautiful Body of mine,

I am so so sorry.

I am sorry for the all the ways I have ever hurt you.

I am sorry for betraying you.

I am sorry for hating you for being fat.

I am sorry for poisoning you; especially with all the chemotherapy!

I am sorry for maligning you and calling you all those names!

I am sorry for being ashamed of you and wanting to be someone else.

I am sorry for having put you in dangerous positions!

I am sorry for all the ways I let you down.

I am sorry for underestimating you.

I am sorry for fearing you and your power.

I am sorry for not acknowledging your deep wisdom.

I am sorry for not letting you lead the way.

I am sorry for closing you off to receiving everything you deserve.

I am sorry for allowing others to harm you.

I am sorry for shutting you down to pleasure and love.

I am sorry for denying you all those amazing experiences.

I am sorry for shaming you.

I am sorry for allowing others to shame you and call you all those names.

I am sorry for alternately pushing you too hard and not encouraging you harder.

I am sorry for not trusting you.

I am sorry for bullying you.

I am sorry for not listening to your signs and  signals.

I am sorry for not believing in you.

I am sorry for taking over your journey.

I am sorry for labeling your feelings as unworthy.

I am sorry for thinking you were broken and needed to be fixed.

I am sorry I didn’t love you more.

I am sorry I didn’t tell you how much I appreciate you.

I am sorry I hid you.

I am sorry you are hurting.

I am sorry for all the times you felt shut down.

I am sorry for trusting others opinions more than hearing what you really need.

I am sorry I let you down.

I am sorry for living in fear so much and not trusting GOD.

I am sorry for never feeling enough.

I am sorry you didn’t feel liked and searched for it your whole life.

I am so so sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you so very much for my life, my son, my pleasure, my ability to feel, hear, see and know everything – love, compassion, peace, joy, ecstasy, bliss, sorrow, grief, rage. Thank you for my ability to walk, run, see, smell, kiss, taste, make love, hug, dance! PLAY! Thank you for so much more that you are, do, feel, sense. Thank you for giving me this amazing beautiful human life.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

Loving you through eternity, I am so glad I woke up!”

~ ME


