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Spiritual Biz Chat: Dianne Collins

Dianne-Collins-LO-REZ-Blk-SwingDianne Collins is an original thinker, media personality and one of the foremost thought-leaders of our time, the leading authority in “new world view” thinking.

She is the author of the highly acclaimed, six-time award- winning bestseller, Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World – considered a must-read for our changing times. She is dedicated to people living spirited, joyful, and masterful lives through leaps in awareness and new thinking using what she calls, “the physics of mind.”

With her husband and business partner, Alan Collins, Dianne consults visionary leaders and senior executives in the world’s leading corporations to go beyond “hidden” limits of their thinking – accelerating results and catapulting nonlinear achievements. 

Dianne is a graduate of the University of Miami in Philosophy and Psychology and a lifelong student of Siddha Yoga and numerous leading edge modalities and models that make life better and more joyful. Her varied experiences as a Fortune 100 corporate manager, an award-winning photographic artist, video producer, and currently as a consultant to business executives and entrepreneurs, all contribute to her extraordinary gift of originality and ability to express complex universal subjects in clear and powerful ways that benefit people instantly.


KIMBERLY: Since you were on the brink of the technology coming around when you were starting your company, what is your best use of technology today? What is the one piece of vital software? What is the one thing you see that has had a great impact on your business?

DIANNE: This is where when you’re quantum thinking: you’re looking at what is best and right for you in terms of your market. And I was able to identify and distinguish six different markets. Now from a quantum worldview, there are no absolutes other than what you may think of as God, the divine, source creator. But I’m talking about for everyday human beings and everyday life. Because it’s not a fixed reality, in quantum thinking, what you bring to your observation is what you get because you have the choice over that.

Now, I look at the six markets for QuantumThink®, and I’m looking at it again because it’s just constant evolutionary reassessment, and I look at where these people are going. So, one market we have is a business market, corporate senior executives, and entrepreneurs. One market we have is the affluent market, the luxury market, these are the people who are hugely financially successful. The third market that I distinguished is the consciousness market. The consciousness market is the people who are interested in science and spiritually wanting to elevate their consciousness, wanting to live more awakened life and expand the whole way they relate in the world. And then the next market is the self-help market which is the people who are specifically interested in personal development. And the next one is youth, and that is anyone from age 18 into college age, and they love quantum thinking. And then the sixth market which was added later on is media, I love media, and then I realized that I have all these relationships with media: broadcast media, radio, TV, that kind of thing.040_Diane Collins photo

So now, when you think about what technologies I am going to use, it requires looking at the market: how do they use technology? People are being trained to do telesummits, and I’ve been on a number of telesummits myself, but I wouldn’t want to do it as a host. I’ve been invited a number of times to have my own radio show, and I know I didn’t really want to host radio, and this is where knowing myself becomes very important. So, these are the things that are very important to keep in your awareness. What do you really want to do? What do you resonate with?

Facebook now… Am I going to find the luxury market people there, on Facebook, who I want to have as clients. Are they going on Facebook to find something like what I would offer? Probably not! However, other people are – the consciousness market is, the self-help market is. I’m not saying that everybody doesn’t use Facebook in some way, but am I going to attract my luxury market there? No! You have to really look at your market, and then you look at the technology and say, ‘Where are they going?’ I’ll give you one other example. Alan, my husband and partner… there is something resonant with him on LinkedIn, this guy gets more requests to connect on LinkedIn every day.

One of the things about it is that I find value in everyone’s teachings and work. And I myself over the past 10 years, in terms of technology, listen to a lot of free teleseminars on technology. I listen to them about YouTube because I like video, video telesummits, how to use your iPad to make a video, how to do this, how to do that, how to do a telesummit. And then I take what I resonate with rather than take it as strict formula. Every person is unique, and what works for one may not work for another one.

KIMBERLY: And if it doesn’t resonate with us or if there’s also the point where we just don’t want to do it, then we just stop doing all of it.

Dianne-Collins-LO-REZ-Red1-D0752Color2_100-213x300DIANNE: Exactly, so then really, don’t do that, and it won’t work anyway because you won’t be emanating the energy that is required to attract that! I also hire for myself in-person training, and sometimes I go to networking events at my university [University of Miami], meet social media experts and have them come over in person, “Teach me about Twitter, so that I have an understanding of what’s possible on Twitter? How can I use it? What’s the best way to use it?” When you talk to the experts, they already know this. So I hired a person like this recently and said, “What about LinkedIn?” She said to me, “Well, you know what? I don’t know LinkedIn that well,” and she taught me a few little things about LinkedIn that she was comfortable with . So this is another thing – you have to know your experts and who is good at what.

KIMBERLY: You can’t be good at it all.

DIANNE: Right, and we can’t expect it, it’s way too complex for the society. Right now I’m working with a certain branding person, and his thing is Facebook. So I know that when we get to looking at what he calls the consistency across all platforms, meaning website and all the social media platforms, that he knows the best. He’s learning about me and my business, and he’ll know the best way for me to use Facebook. What I do and maybe it’s silly, but I don’t engage fully in it until I have an understanding of how I’m going to use it. I like to be strategic about it, and I may be a little over cautionary.

I do have a YouTube Channel, I do have a Facebook page which is for my book as well as my personal Facebook page. I do have two Twitter accounts, Dianne Collins and QuantumThink®, and I do post, and I became a blogger for the Huffington post. I want to get more consistently into my blogging because I look and realize, “Okay, how do you have your blog fit with all these other things? How do we use it strategically not to manipulate people, potential clients, customers, but to engage them from the point of view of their interest?”





