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Dear Deziree Episode #43

Dear Deziree,

I have gone through many changes recently spiritually, I am completing reiki mastership, learning to work with crystals, focusing on love energy and how to keep my vibration to my higher self. I have been receiving information through Facebook and conversation with others about intuition. My question is: how do I focus in on my intuition on consistent basis to unlock the reason I am here? Thank you for the opportunity to share this with you.

Much peace,


Dear Deziree Screenshot


Dear Jadipa,

How fantastic that you just finished your Reiki Mastership! I myself love working with crystals, they are very powerful and useful when working with clients. The other reason that you should be using crystals is to bring in a stronger connection to your higher self and the universal energies.

The reason that you are noticing conversations and information on intuition is because your Soul is trying to tell you something, and that is to start working with your intuition. The key to finding out your souls purpose (the reason why you are here?) is allowing your heart to guide you. Whenever something comes along on your path that catches your eye or gives you that feeling of HMMM, what is this thing that is catching my attention? That is coming from Soul.

What you must do next is use your intuition (heart) and feel, not see where it is guiding you to go. Remembering your mind will mislead you (EGO) but your intuition (heart) will bring you piece by piece to your destiny. Keeping in mind that each time you trust your intuition, you gain another piece of knowledge. As you move forward gathering this knowledge, eventually, you will begin using this wisdom to help other souls by being a light which leads them to their own light.

Be Extraordinary,
Kimberly Deziree


The intention of Dear Deziree is to use the intuitive gifts of Kimberly Deziree to give you guidance regarding your spiritual business. As with EVERYTHING in life, we need to take 100% responsibility for ourselves. Her response is meant to give you guidance, but ultimately you are responsible for you. Enjoy!


