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Cover Story: Lauren Robertson


Lauren Robertson is a Spirit Communicator, Hay House author, speaker and transformational coach. In addition to passionately demonstrating and speaking about mediumship, Lauren specializes in helping mediums and spiritual practitioners unlock new levels of insight, confidence, and success in their work.

Lauren is a fan of bulldogs, Italy and ridiculously expensive shoes. Her debut book “The Medium in Manolos” is soon to be published by Hay House in 2017.


Kimberly: Welcome everybody and welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat. With us is Lauren Robertson. She is the author of The Medium in Manolos, and she is just coming out with her book, Hay House is publishing it. She’s in this big launch mode, it’s super exciting. So Lauren, thank you so much for joining us.

Lauren: Hi Kimberly, thank you so much for having me. I’m delighted to be here.

Kimberly: I love the idea that you are The Medium in Manolos. I think that’s the coolest little brand, little catch that I’ve ever heard of because as spiritual entrepreneurs we’re always talking that we shouldn’t charge for our gift, and there’s always a scarcity mode. So we’re going to get really deep into that, but for my viewers who don’t know you, give us a little background about how you got here and how you even got to writing the book.

Lauren: Sure, I’ll be happy to. So my journey is a strange and unusual one and is littered with both blessings and challenges, as many of our journeys are. I got kicked out of school when I was 16 and I was terrified to go home and tell my mom that at 16 years old I have been kicked out of school. Two years prior to that, I had begun working with Angel Cards, I had become really interested in all things esoteric and supernatural. Angel Cards had really captivated my attention, so from the age of 14, I had been reading them for my schoolmates, friends, family, and teachers.

So that day that I got kicked out of school, and It was the beginning of the dial-up internet, I went home and thought, “Okay, I’m going to go on the computer,” remember it used to make that funny noise, “And I’m going to find myself a job. Then if my mom finds out I got kicked out of school, it will be fine because I’ll be like, ‘But it’s cool. I have a job now.'”

So I went home, I went on the computer, and I went on this site called “The Job Center”. Basically, in the UK it’s a government-run database to get people into employment. So the usual kinds of jobs you can find on it is like waiting staff, or caterers, or different sort of normal jobs. So the questionnaire on The Job Center website asked me questions like, “Am I creative? What kinds of areas would I like to work? Am I a people person?” And all these different questions.

So I filled in this entire questionnaire, and I thought, “There is not one job in the universe that’s going to come back matching all these criteria,” and I clicked submit, and the job center came back with one job, which was “Psychics, mediums, and Angel Card readers wanted in the Glasgow area.” So I was like, “I’m going to go for this.” So a couple of days later, I took my little schoolbag and my Angel Cards and went to this woman’s house who interviewed me. I did a reading for her and she gave me a job on the spot. So at 16 years old, I became a professional psychic medium. So that’s where my journey really began.

Then, after about eight years, I started to feel a little bit constricted. Feeling constricted has always been a key milestone or marker in my journey to let me know when I’m about to go to the next level. So I decided I wanted to go to university to study consciousness and the mind and to find out more about why I had this unusual ability to be able to connect with people and empathize with people in the way that I had been. So I signed up for university and got in, despite having been kicked out of school. I had to do a pre-university curriculum. I did my degree in consciousness, and at that time I left the company that I had been doing the psychic work with all those years, to start up on my own. That was a really hard time because it was around 2008, the recession had just hit. Nobody in Scotland was really taking readings, and my career absolutely tanked.

So I was a student living off of student loans, couldn’t get somebody to book me for a reading to save myself, despite the fact that I had a following from all of these years of work. So that went on for a short time. I had various day jobs that I did at that point, and then, again the constriction came, and I realized that I really did want to get into it full time. So around 2010 to 2012, I had a lot of the clients who were coming to me for a number of years, and I was so, so tired of telling them what to do. They were coming to me for readings, and I was telling them what to do. They were going away, either completely bamboozled and not having any clue how to implement, or they were going away with a little sort of upliftment. So I was seeking a way to work with my clients on a deeper level, and that’s when I became interested in transformational coaching.

So, when I was 21, I fell ill with meningitis, and it was a really difficult time in my life, and as a result of my being unwell, my mom gave me a copy of You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. I read it from cover to cover, balled my eyes out, as most of us do when we read that book, and it really was life-changing for me. So I thought at that point, whatever this woman is up to in the world, whatever she’s doing, whatever this magic is that’s come out of this book, I want to be a part of it. So that’s really when the Hay House dream was set in my heart. So I’m 31 now, so that’s 10 year period, one way or another, I’ve been building my coaching career, building my career as a medium, and building my career as an author.Lauren Robertson PHOTO 3

So definitely, primarily I’m a coach now, but my book with Hay House is a coaching manual for mediums. So as you said, Kimberly, it’s called The Medium in Manolos, and it is a life-affirming guide to mediumship. So I still do my spiritual work, still do my mediumship, but I’m primarily interested in helping people go deeper and further, and to fulfillment, and happiness, and contentment in their own lives. Rather than my telling them what to do, I now ask them what it is that they want to do.

Kimberly: That’s amazing! I love how the only job that came up for you was a psychic medium. I also love how you’ve been doing this since you were 16, There were bumps and hiccups, and then you had the Hay House connection. The idea was that the seed was planted, and it took 10 years, that’s what it’s about because I think so many times, people are like, “Why isn’t my career taking off today?” I have my new business. I teach spiritual entrepreneurs how to build their business, and some people take off right away, some people take a little bit longer, and people are like, “Why isn’t it happening?” But it took you 10 years, and it’s taken me years to get to where I’m going, so I love that we’re able to share that, that it takes time, and you planted the seed, and that now you’re harvesting that, which is really beautiful.

So now, The Medium in Manolos, talk to me a little bit about that because I talk about spirituality and money and their connection all of the time, so what made you go with that title? You also deal a lot with the mindset around money, so talk to me about the meaning behind the title, how you came up with that, and just about the big picture of it.

Lauren: Sure, The Medium in Manolos as a title arrived with me one day when I was in the shower and I heard it in my mind. My greatest passion is coaching and mediumship, combined with my greatest personal passion, which is fashion, high-end luxury, high vibe, anything that’s about the fullness of life and enjoyment, and it’s definitely very much what I’m about. I’m a legitimate Manolos owner and having grown up on a diet of “Sex in the City” and Vogue, I definitely think that had something to do with it. So it really felt like a very true and authentic brand to me.

When I went to Hay House with this title for the book, we went back and forth quite a lot about the title because it might not be agreeable to everybody because of what people’s preconceptions are about spirituality and money… being like oil and water – to say that you’re wealthy or luxurious, or you enjoy luxury and that you’re spiritual in the same sentence, has just not gone mainstream just yet, I don’t think.

Hay House was a little bit concerned about that, but I felt that because the core of the book is about spiritual practitioners and mediums being authentic to themselves and being confident in who they really are, and knowing who they really are as divine in the eyes of spirit, including the parts of them that enjoy luxury, or golf, or certain sweets, or whatever it is that you enjoy, that part of you is just as divine as the giving and the work that you do. So I felt it was very important to leave the “Manolos” part in that title to emblemize that and to really represent that. So I fought quite hard for it, and we came around and we ended up going with The Medium in Manolos.

I really think that on a global scale, we’re coming to a place and a point in time now where people who have truly spiritual values need to take responsibility for being the executors of more money. We look at the world and we see the world’s problems, and lord knows, even social media is just a window into what is going on elsewhere in the world wherever our input and our contribution are needed. If we are not financially empowered, then we’re limiting ourselves in the ways that we can contribute, and the ways that we can change the world, and the ways that we can make a difference.

So it is something that I’m very passionate about because I look around and see so many spiritual practitioners, myself included in the past before I did the mindset work, who deeply, deeply desire to change the world, to serve, to assist, to lead, to take the world into a new paradigm where it’s going to be more about love and connection and togetherness, rather than what it’s been about before. If you don’t have a physical representation of your power, which, like it or not, is money at the moment in the reality that we’re living in, if you don’t have that, then you’re just simply limited in the ways that you can make a difference. So with the book, I definitely wanted to bring this warrior spirit to being a spiritual practitioner, and part of that is accepting power, and part of that is accepting wealth.

I also feel that the relationship between money and love is undeniable. The reason simply in my mind is this: we talk about value when we talk about money. We talk about value, we talk about worth, these are also words that we use to talk about ourselves and our relationships. We talk about evaluating ourselves. We talk about our self-worth. We talk about trying to put a quantification on how we feel about ourselves and our value to the world, and so that’s a form of love, I think, it’s about getting that quantification right.

If you don’t have a good relationship with money, then that’s holding a mirror up to the reality that you’re probably having some difficulty quantifying the true value of yourself. So developing an excellent relationship with money can be a really positive road in to developing an excellent relationship with yourself, with the person in the mirror, and if you want to lead and to serve, then I think you do need to have an excellent relationship with yourself so that you’re not trying to be this kind of wounded leader or unhealed healer. I think that money is a great tool for helping us to do that.51MaK1XwBfL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_

So again, The Medium in Manolos was really about putting that out there proudly and saying, “You get to be a medium, and you get to be high-vibe and high-end. You get to be spiritual and material at the same time, as we are.” So I just really wanted to say that proudly in the hopes that it might inspire other spiritual practitioners to accept that about themselves and to say that proudly about themselves as well.

Kimberly: I have to thank you for sticking to your guns and having them use that title because it’s so important, and I agree with everything you’ve said, and anyone who follows me long enough knows that that’s what I’m always talking about. Thank you for really, truly sticking to your guns on that and keeping that space for those of us who are ready to help people transition out of that scarcity mode and really start to marry spirituality and money.

I always say too, “Why would you be out making money in a place where you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re not serving, and you’re miserable, and you’re just completely out of alignment of Source? But when you’re in alignment with Source, you’re not supposed to make money?” It doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever, so I love that you’re holding space for that. So thank you on behalf of all the light workers out there for helping us shift that perspective.

So, with that, now people say, “Okay, we’re talking about spirituality and money. We can marry the two, we’re starting to open up to that, but how do you find the balance?” So what do you do? What internal work do you do, and mindset work, to be able to still be in alignment with Source and have that feeling of abundance and loving the finer things in life?

Lauren: So there’s a couple of angles that I always go back to, I always anchor into, that help me continue to build on what I would call “your wealth consciousness”. Kimberly, I don’t know if you maybe use that term with your readers. So the first thing that is really significant is this: what some people struggle with, and again, definitely, it was my struggle, is the idea that if you’re truly ‘spiritual’, then you might have the belief that to give is divine and to take is not a good thing. So we develop this mentality that to give, and give, and give, and give, means we are virtuous, and we are spiritual, and we are living up to the icon of what spirituality ought to be. But if we then take money in exchange for our services, then we are taking from somebody else. we are doing something wrong in taking, and so we are dropping ourselves down off of that pedestal, and therefore dropping ourselves out of integrity with what it means to be spiritual.

So for me, there is one very simple, but radical mindset shift that you can make, and that I certainly made, to get out of that painful battle that leads to that feeling of being out of integrity between wanting to give and feeling that receiving is bad, but yet knowing that we need to earn for our spiritual services. That whole myth can be changed if you’re willing to accept what I’m about to say next.

If we are living in a universe of finite resources, meaning if there is not enough to go around, and if you take from somebody else then that does mean that they have to do without, then, of course, you’re going to feel that to give is a good thing and to take is a bad thing because you’re coming from the belief that resources can, in fact, be diminished, and if you take from somebody you’re diminishing their resources.

I would ask you to consider though that we do not live in a universe of finite resources, we live in a universe of infinite resources. Whichever way you look at the universe, it’s infinite, whether you think of it as a loop, or a circle of eight, or an expansive space-time across all infinity, however it is that you want to think about the universe, the fact is that we’re in a closed system of energy that just keeps moving, and moving, and recycling, and being infinite in its own glory, right? So if you live in a universe that is infinite, then there can be no diminishment of resources.

So you taking money from someone in exchange for your services is not you taking away from them, a resource that can never be replenished, it’s simply that resource moving around in its infinite cycle as it always does. So your energy goes to the person that you serve, and a form of energy comes to you in the form of money. When that person pays you for your services, it creates a hole in the universe where that money once stood, and just like at the beach when you dig a hole and the tide comes in and immediately fills up the hole with sand and water, so will the universe immediately rush in and fill the hole that was created in the person’s life by paying you. Likewise will the universe rush in and fill the hole that’s created in your energy because you helped them. So in this way, the energy’s just constantly and always being replenished, so there is no lack.

There is no lack of anything to go around, and if it looks as if there is a lack of something, that is only the illusion of appearance. It’s only the illusion of appearance. What is going on in the background is that more life, more expansiveness, more creation, more for everyone, is right on its tail. You just have to get yourself into the mindset of believing that we live in a universe of infinite resources rather than a universe of finite resources.

If you believe that, then the conflict of taking disappears, and what you realize is that giving and receiving are essential, two sides of the same coin, for keeping this infinite churn of energy moving in the universe, and that’s what the universe needs and wants because nothing is static and nothing stays the same. The giving and receiving of energy that happens in an exchange is natural, it’s normal, it’s the natural state of the universe, and as you take, so the universe brings more along to fill up, and so you have more in your hands to give.

So it’s really that one mindset shift, for me, changed everything. I tenXed my income in a month when I realized that the universe is infinite and not finite. For more on that, definitely thanking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill as my bible pretty much, it keeps me on the right track with my thinking about wealth. So that’s definitely a text that I would recommend that helped me a lot with anchoring in that mindset as well.

Kimberly: That is a beautiful way to look at it, and I always like to say that it feels so good to give, and when you don’t allow people to give you something, whether it’s energy or money, or whatever it is, you’re actually robbing them the experience of giving. So when you’re giving, and giving, and giving, and you don’t receive, you’re actually robbing people the experience of feeling so good about giving, because we know how good it feels when we give, which is why we get hooked on doing it.

So with the business that you’ve created, you’ve been able to tenX with the mind shift and you’re out there now with your book that’s launching next week, which is amazing, what suggestions and little tidbits do you have for people who are either beginning their business or are still in that beginning phase where they’re not seeing exactly what they think they should be seeing in their business just yet? How do you overcome those and what kind of tips do you have for them?Lauren Robertson PHOTO 2

Lauren: There’s a couple of things that I would suggest. First of all, my coach once said to me this thing, and it changed my life, so I would like to share it with you guys now. My coach once said to me, “Just decide today to be the person you want to be.” So often in our businesses, we think we have to be better, or it has to be more perfect, or we have to have more certificates. That’s the one that comes up a lot, “Who here has collected 45,000 certificates and still don’t feel like a professional, you know?”

So just decide today to be the person you want to be, she’s not in the future, she’s here and she’s now. Just step into that energy of being the person you want to be. If I had known that when I was first starting my business, things would have been very, very different. The price point I would have stepped into, the things I would have permitted myself to do, the things I would have said no to, a lot of things would have been different if I had decided then just to be the person that I was going to be.

When my coach said that to me and I decided I’m a Hay House author, I am a Hay House author, you best believe that’s when Hay House author stuff began, and that’s when it started happening, and that’s when the reality caught up with it. So just decide that you’re going to be now the person that you want to be, and have confidence in that, and be thrilled about it, and excited about it, just make the decision that you are that person now.

The other thing that is a suggestion that’s really helped me is about balancing the masculine and the feminine. This comes up a lot for spiritual practitioners, and I’ve definitely done the chaotic swing ball between trying to meditate my way into wealth with no action and then trying to force my way into wealth with no spirituality. My suggestion is this, focus on becoming deeply loving, accepting, and empowered within yourself. Just be confident in yourself and love yourself such that when you have an intuitive hit, you know right away if it’s a yes or a no for you.

For me, that’s where the feminine comes into the business. When you get that intuitive hit about what to do, you get your sleeves rolled up and you do it, and you do it until it’s done, and therein lies the masculine part. Energy and effort without really being emotionally and spiritually invested, without your gut telling you it’s the right thing, often feels like spinning your wheels, but trying to love attracts your way into successful business or wealth without feeling like you actually have to change any actions or do anything consistently is just farcical, it’s not going to happen, not consistently anyway.

You might get the odd little fluke here and there, but if you want a business, you have to be taking consistent action. So really get into the guts, and the heart, and the truth of who it is that you are and what it is that you want, accept that with love, and then take the freaking action, and take it consistently. That is the combo that has worked best for me, punctuated with lots of rest and lots of fun.

Kimberly: Amazing advice, truly amazing! That happens so often with spiritual entrepreneurs who are like, “I’m just going to meditate on it.” They get into this indecisiveness because somehow they think suddenly they’re going to get a sign, and they’re going to go meditate on it and figure it out, and I’m like, “Just take the action guys,” because frankly, we are Source, so what are we going to go meditate on? Just get in alignment with ourselves when you have a desire and Source brings that solution to you, then take action because it’s right there. So yes, I love that balance, that masculine and feminine balance is so needed.

Lauren: Yet you cannot outsource your truth. You can’t outsource it. You can’t meditate on it and expect guides, or heaven, or a boat from the blue, or anything, or anyone outside yourself to dig in and get into the guts of what’s true for you, that is an inside job and that’s a thing that you should say yes to, and that’s about developing trust within yourself. As you say, the source that’s within, rather than trying to outsource those sorts of decisions. So definitely, if it’s a hell yes, take action, go for it.

Kimberly: That’s perfect. I hope everyone hears that and really takes that, don’t outsource it. The source is within, take action. That’s such a beautiful way to put it.

Lauren, where can my viewers find your book if they want to find out more about you and help support you in your Hay House launch here? I love the cover!

Lauren: It is The Medium in Manolos. I went with neon because I was thinking about doing this play on love and light. You know, we always say love and light. I was like, “Love and light, what can we do with that?” And then I thought about the kind of psychic neon signs that they have outside stores, and like the neon sign, and so doing neon lights just felt like the right choice for this one. It’s definitely eye-catching.

You can get The Medium in Manolos by going to my website(SBM Note: see more interview links below). If you go there, you can order the book and you will be given instant access to my acclaimed audio course Searching for Spirit, and that will keep you busy until your book arrives, and that’s just a little gift from me. Also, you will be entered into a competition to win coaching with me and to win a spot in my Miraculous Medium Chat Members Club, which is my community for developing mediums.

And of course, you can get it anywhere where books are sold, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Waterstones, but you won’t get the free gift if you do that, whereas if you go to the page on my website, you will get your free gifts.

Kimberly: Congratulations, truly, in accomplishing and really manifesting your desire! It’s so beautiful to go through that journey and see it actually come into this reality. So congratulations for sticking with it and making it happen! I wish you the best success with your book. So thank you, Lauren, so much, for joining us and being on our cover for December.

Lauren: Thank you so much, Kimberly. Thank you, everyone, for listening, watching, and reading.



Lauren’s Book:


