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Cover Story: John Burgos


John Burgos, founder and host of the Beyond The Ordinary Show, has committed his life to improving and enriching the lives of others. He created the Beyond The Ordinary Show to unite and lead the next generation of transformation through providing a stage for emerging and provocative spiritual leaders, exposing and bringing light to the shared power of collective consciousness.

Moved by the profound, shamanic experiences that ignited his trust in his innate intuitive abilities, John has dedicated his passions to bringing this truth of inherent intuition to the masses. He soon emerged as a leader in the field and finds his truest excellence in working with esoteric and spiritual teachers. He believes that his work, in conjunction with the luminous souls he works intimately with, can be the catalyst for global change.


Share with us your story. How did you end up here with an amazingly successful business but still on your spiritual path?

The first thing I want to say is that success is spiritual. I think it’s what we aspire to in our spirituality and to think that one is separate from the other takes us on a path of a lot of suffering that’s not necessary. Because when we merge the two and we realize what is available for us, a whole new world opens up that provides lots of synchronicity and opportunities that are base on are our true souls journey.

How I got out of corporate…I was tired of working corporate, I was bored out of my mind. And I lacked a sense of purpose. I knew there was something else to life. I  had a great marriage, my kids were awesome, lived in a great house, I had financial stability, and it felt empty. I had gotten to this place in my life that I had been striving for, for years. I’d worked hard, I did all the right things, I lived in the right neighborhood, the kids went to right school, I had a beautiful wife, it all seemed to jell together. But when I got there, I thought there has to be something else.

How many you of you listening are at that space? You can feel that there is this other drive but you aren’t sure what it is. So I was at a point where I left corporate and started my own business, and I thought that would fulfill me. I had made a lot of money for somebody else and I thought let me do that for myself. I had purpose and I had passion, but I got bored really fast. Three years after owning my own business I thought again there has got to be something else. And I reached out for a mentor. She quickly took what was going to be business coaching and turned it into personal transformation. I had no idea.

The most I knew about spirituality, other than my Catholic upbringing, was I worked with a psychic once a year on my birthday to see what was coming up. That was it. I didn’t know about chakras, spirit guides, the Law of Attraction…I was so ignorant. But it was perfect, because in that ignorance I got to learn in a whole different way. It really opened the doors once I started working on my personal transformation, instead of just on my business transformation. Things started to change because the business is a reflection of what I’m caring personally.

It does sometimes take awhile for us to figure out path when we leave the space that feels empty, doesn’t it?

A lot of times when we are stepping into the next phase, we are thinking too small. And we take baby steps because it is safer. Going from corporate to starting my own business wasn’t necessarily a safe step to take, but there was something beckoning that was even larger than that. It is really interesting because even through corporate and when I owned my own business and what I am doing now, the essence of what I did and do now is the same. So I was always on path, my path is to translate language for other people. I was doing that in the insurance business for the Hispanic market. I was translating information so that people could understand what they were receiving and sharing how it would benefit them. Well, that’s what I do on the show now. I have always been a translator, a facilitator for people. It has just taken on a bigger purpose. So when we can really align and understand what part of our soul calling is that gift that is innate within us, and you recognize it, it facilitates your path to stepping into that next level of expansion that is waiting for you. When you can identify those gifts, it sure makes it a lot easier.

There is this hangup about money with spiritual entrepreneurs. How do you bring together the success and money with your spirituality and keep it in balance? What advice do you have for spiritual entrepreneurs?

It is so funny because I just had a friend reach out today. She is a nurse and she is just starting her spiritual practice, she channels information. She was having an issue preparing an offering so that people could go deeper into her work. She had a hangup about receiving money for her channeling because she gets so much from doing it, she feels that needs to be the only exchange that needs to occur.

I wrote her back. What is really interesting is that as a nurse, if that is not a spiritual practice then I don’t know what is because you are giving. And as a nurse you are earning a salary. You are earning a salary so that you can be supported. So that you can have a lifestyle that recharges you, that invigorates you, that gives you a sense of passion and purpose so that when you come back to being a nurse (since you aren’t doing it 24/7), you are recharged. You are there with purpose and you can show up more fully for other people.

And the same goes as being a spiritual business entrepreneur. All businesses are spiritual, we just label them as different things and we have judgements as to what one thing is and what it is not. Everything we do is spiritual. We are spiritual beings. And you deserve to be supported in that.

And so we actually are leaving the paradigm of work. A lot of us say, “we are going to work now.” I don’t work anymore. Someone asked me what I do for work and I had to pause for about 15 seconds because it thew me off. Because this isn’t work. It’s just who I am. The new paradigm that we are shifting into is about being who we are and being supported in that so that we can be examples of what’s possible for other people, by living in a manner that is possible for all of us.

Work is like the “F Word.” It doesn’t carry the same vibration anymore. It’s not who we are and it’s not the opportunities that we are stepping into anymore. You deserve to be supported in your passion, in your purpose, because as you become that example for other people, your success is going to be the guiding light, the beacon that gives other people the permission to do the same.

I love this paradigm shift, seeing money as energy. Because if your cup isn’t full how can you help someone else?

You are stopping the flow of it coming in when you label it as money. It’s not money, it is love that’s coming in. Money is love energy. It is an indicator from a business perspective of how much love you are receiving so that you can gauge your growth to see how many people you are effecting with your beautiful message.

If we put the dam on it we are not going to success in business, no matter what business you do, if you are working for someone or doing your own business. You soul wants to expand. It wants to grow, it wants you to fulfill your purpose, and you will one way or another, kicking and screaming or with ease. Choose the ease and allow that love, that money to flow in. Because if you have a hangup, a judgment, of receiving money for spiritual work, then there is something greater at play where you are not opening up to receive because there is a fear of being accepted. A fear of perhaps being rejected. A fear of not being enough, hence not having enough money. There are so many underlying factors in that. And it’s not the truth. Make as much money as you can and grow your spiritual business because the world needs you now.

Do you see a common thread with your guests, something they do or practice, when it comes to receiving abundance?

It varies based on the speakers. But the speakers we have, there is this great energy and synergy between us. Again, the synchronicity that shows up when we are on purpose and in our passion, it’s really miraculous. I find I tend to attract speakers, who are always willing to grow and take it to the next stage. And I am always willing to grow also, so I am always in wonderment of what is next. Not what is possible, but what else can be created. So when we have co-creative energies coming together that want to expand in such a way, it just allows everyone to grow.

For a lot of the speakers it is their willingness to put their voice out there, unabashedly. And really share their gift and say this is who I am. Not trying to fit in a box. This is who I am, this is what I am here to do and this is what you are going to receive from it. And understanding that people are waiting to receive that message. It is a big component because that is going to give you the confidence and the absolute knowing that when you are on path, when you are following the souls consciousness to do what you are here to do, you are going to succeed. And success will show up in multiple different ways. Just be prepared to receive it and be open to receive it.

And your responsibility as spiritual entrepreneurs is that in the receiving we get to expand and give more. So there is this cycle that happens and its beautiful. Because whenever you give like that, it comes back to you. It doesn’t come back to you dollar for dollar, tit for tat, its exponential. You just don’t know what you’ll receive until you put it all out there with no expectations back. Because it is your heart that is saying, “I just want to give this to you.” And if you open to receive it, the gifts you can give back to the world from that receiving are so much greater.

Let’s talk about thinking big. You did exactly that when you started Beyond The Ordinary Show.

It was synchronicity at play. I had been working for a start up for about three years and I was at the tail end of that job. The start up was struggling financially toward the end and they couldn’t afford to pay me anymore and I completely understood. It was time for me to move on but I didn’t know what I was going to do next. I had no idea. I knew I wasn’t going to go back to corporate and I worked pro bono for them for 4 or 5 months while I was trying to figure it out. I kept asking “What do I do next?” and I kept hearing that I was fine, don’t worry about it. That my next step would be shown to me. It was so interesting.

I had $5000 left in my 401k, I had been living off of my 401k and credit cards, I was thinking I need to do something pretty quickly because this isn’t sustainable. And I got “do a tele-summit.” I was like, “really”? So I used my skills that I had learned created it. What normally would have taken 3-6 months to put together we put together in 6 weeks. We had amazing speakers showing up saying, “we don’t know why we are saying yes, we typically don’t say yes to startups or to last minute calls like this, but we are supposed to say yes, so we are saying yes.” And the show took off. From day one I was so fully supported and it has grown like gangbusters. It has been absolutely amazing.

And it’s not only the financial aspect of it, but the connections that I have made, the friendships with other speakers. The community that we are building together, to support each other, to know that we are not doing this solo, that there are many of us on this path as we open up this market…this transformational spiritual movement into the mainstream. It has been a miracle in the making and I am still just filled with wonder every time I reflect back on it and I am also filled with a lot of eagerness and wonderment as to what is to come next because there is so much more that wants to grow.

Is there some thing you would like to share, if you had only known then what you know now, what would it be?

I don’t go back a lot to regrets and the I should have’s, because I have learned to follow my inner guidance, my instincts, the nudges I get from my guides. It all falls into such beautiful alignment for me when I listen, when I don’t I feel it. It is like, “ok guys, I got it, let me get back on track.” But if I were going to reflect back, I perhaps would have thought bigger. Instead of inviting 40 guests, I would have invited 60 from the beginning. I would have reached out to some larger people and networked a little bit more. But it has all been so perfect, so I don’t know if I have any regrets with that or wish I would have done something differently.

You know what, I probably would have hired and invested, even though supposedly I didn’t have any money, I would have invested on upgrading my website from the beginning. And put some of the structures in place that would have made the show have the appearance of even greater success from the beginning. Because the energy of the success was there. And the website was decent when we launched but it is a thousand times better now. So if I had had today’s website back then when I launched, what would have been possible in seasons 1-8, as in the quality of speakers and how much more would my list have grown because of the professionalism, that I would be something I would change. I would have invested more in myself and maybe not have taken the baby steps of building the site and doing that cautiously. Really, trusting that I was on the right path.

And I would also caution against perfectionism. Because you get so caught up in trying to get it right that you never launch. And it gets delayed, and had I been caught up in trying to be so perfect, there is no way I would have launched in 6 weeks. It would have taken another 2-3 months, because building a website can take forever. And I just had to do it and go.  So there is balance, and if you get caught up in perfectionism, what is behind that? What’s coming up that is delaying it and what’s the judgement or the doubts or limiting belief that is coming up that’s preventing you from going full force when you should go full force? You are going to screw up, things aren’t going to go right, and it’s fine because it is not the end of the world. So what? People are so forgiving and understanding and the truth is, whatever mistakes we made, and I can’t even remember any of them because that is how much of an impact they had on me, they weren’t a big deal. You move forward and you keep building. You just trust that you are just loved and accepted because you are putting your heart essence out there. There is nothing more beautiful than that.

I highly recommend checking out the Beyond The Ordinary Show. They have amazing speakers, some new and some you may have heard of already, but what they always do is elevate each conversation. It is awesome, go on there, sign up. You will get emails with who is coming up. Participate, they take live questions during the calls. There is just so much inspiration I am excited for everyone to participate. Click on the image below to check it out.  

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