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Barefooting It

I forgot about walking barefoot. My kids walk around the house barefoot all the time.  And my sister reminded me when she came to visit recently. 

Walking barefoot frees the feet of their unnatural shoesy confines.  Walking barefoot is grounding.  Walking barefoot outside is even more grounding.  Grounding techniques do just that – connecting us to the ground in order to rebalance the mind and reconnect us with the earth.  In addition, walking barefoot outdoors – on grass, sand, or even more adventurous ground – lets us absorb negative ions.  Negative ions counter all the positive ions electronics spew out (Himalayan salt lamps also generate negative ions and counter the effects of electronics – see a recent post on that).

So, take your shoes and socks off while the weather is warm, and go for a barefoot walk outside.  As little as five minutes a day is beneficial.


