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Are You Doing Business From a Point of View?

pint of view

Do you have a point of view of how business should be done? Do you have a point of view of what is the right way to build a business and the wrong way to build a business?  Do you have a point of view of where you can receive from and where you cannot? Do you have a point of view of what customer service is and what bad customer service is? Do you have a point of view of what a great customer is and what a bad customer is?

These may be your downfall.

Points of view can screw us over. If we hold onto points of view we can prevent ourselves from having and receiving other possibilities that can create more for us, that can contribute to us and allow us to grow exponentially beyond our wildest imagination.

Let me give you an example (you know how I love examples).

We had an intuitive that worked with us years ago. One day I had come down with a migraine which rarely happens and I had a full client day. As per our organization, we offer clients a few options, one of which was to have their session occur at the regularly scheduled time with her instead.

Previously this therapist had been complaining that she had no clients that week and she was asking the universe to bring her clients and why was she not receiving clients. So, lo and behold here came 8 clients, all in one day, back to back, giddy up. Receive, receive, receive.

Here was the fun part. She went through all of the client files and decided which ones were good clients for her and which ones were not so she did not want to do the ones that she decided were not good clients. Which was over half of them. Interesting point of view.

The ones she did do, that she decided were good for her, filed complaints and refused to do business with her again. Interesting point of view.

When we sat down to discuss what would be a contribution to her so that she could continue to grow and expand and not have these situations show up in such extreme ways she had all kinds of points of view of how business should be done and not done, how to build a business and how not to build a business.

NOW – Let’s be very clear – this is not a witch hunt (pun intended), this was a great awareness of how points of view can decay our future versus expand our future.

She was unwilling to listen to other possibilities and her points of view were creating lack, unhappy clients, drama, trauma and all kinds of other situations that were not contributing to her happiness, joy or wealth. Her business was less than $400 a month net profit and she was here 4 days a week. At $100 per client, do the math that was not good. It was a breeding ground for blame, shame, regret, resentment, wrongness, you name it, it was festering.

The end result was that the contract was released and she went off on her own. Two years later, she became a client. She was willing to look at those points of view so that she could shift into something greater with her business. She worked on becoming open to more possibilities. So much so, that she now owns her own clinic, has a wonderful team and is highly successful.

Shifting points of view also relate to dropping judgments, asking more questions, learning things you may not have been willing to learn in the past that will create greater ease, joy and wealth into your entire world.

So do you want the technique I gave her?

Okay here it is:

For 10 days in a row sit down for 15 minutes of completely uninterrupted time with a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Across the top write:

I cannot become, create or receive  ____________ because:

Write out the first 10 things that come into your mind. Remember, no judgments or points of view, please.

After you have your ten. Read each line out loud clearly followed by “Interesting point of view, I have that point of view. Interesting point of view, I have that point of view. Interesting point of view, I have that point of view. I destroy and uncreate all of those points of view times a Godzillion through all levels, lifetimes and realities”

Then move to the next one and do the same thing.

This tool works super fast if you focus on one aspect only for the 10 days.

So examples:

I cannot become a highly profitable therapist because ——-

I cannot create a highly successful marriage because ——–

I cannot receive excessive wealth because ——-

These are some examples. Create your own and have fun. You will be amazed what points of view pop up and are messing with you that you had no idea were.

I love this tool and use it frequently to shift things in all areas of my life and that is my current point of view!


