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Are You a Spiritual Entrepreneur? Discover These 3 Empowering Insights

download8Your spirituality grows where your focus goes. Do you feel being called into starting your own spiritual based business? Do you dread the thought of working the nine-to-five grind? More importantly, does fitting into society’s tidy little box make you feel like you’re being asked to be a pink elephant with purple polka dots? If so, you probably have a spiritual calling upon your heart.

When you have a spiritual calling, there’s nothing that can stop you from fulfilling your purpose – nothing, except you, that is. How then, do you go from being how everyone else expects you to be unique unto yourself and the rest of the world?

Here are three empowering insights to uncover your passion and discover your purpose as you begin the journey toward becoming an enlightened spiritual entrepreneur.

It’s an Inside Job

Many entrepreneurs look to external sources when first starting their businesses. However, spiritual entrepreneurs have a different kind of blessing. Their spiritual gifts exude from them and are deeply ingrained in who they are. This can make it more difficult to separate your “self” from your business.

It’s so difficult to let the world see our gifts:

  • We hide them for fear of “not being good enough”
  • We don’t want to be seen
  • We think our spiritual gifts are unusual, rare, or unacceptable to society

Here’s the first insight to get you on the path to becoming a spiritual entrepreneur:

Acknowledgment of Self

Prior to making your business plan or setting up a home office, you first need to acknowledge your spiritual calling. This step is crucial to the current and future success of your spiritual business.

You must accept that you are, in fact, unlike anyone else. You don’t fit into the box called ordinary; you are extra-ordinary. Once you have done sufficient work in this arena, then and only then can you move on to the next insights of becoming an empowered and powerful spiritual entrepreneur.

Acknowledge your calling, thank your creator for choosing you to deliver these fine gifts to the world on His behalf and then move into embracing your spiritual talents and gifts. We all have them and bring something different to the table – His table.

Embracing Your Gift so You Can Share with Others

Once you have acknowledged your spiritual talents, gifts and calling, spend some time embracing them. Plenty of entrepreneurs work hard on that presentation, marketing plan, or boardroom speech and feel nervous. Imagine being a spiritual person sharing their raw, natural abilities. It’s akin to opening your souls and saying, “Here, everyone, take a peek.”

For spiritual entrepreneurs, the challenge comes in sharing our “selves” with the world. All we have is our raw, natural talents, and this can be quite daunting at times. Look inwardly and begin to create an acceptance of those beautiful, spirited, flowing gifts of yours.

You are different, and that’s a good thing. Begin to wrap your loving arms around your talents and abilities. The more you take on this practice, the more you will truly embrace them and accept them as your own.

Honor Your Gifts

One of the best mantras I use when I get stuck inside my head and can’t seem to get out of my own way is, “It’s not about me.” This mantra has saved me many times.

When I embrace the idea of offering my gifts up in service as a skilled and talented spiritual writer, I begin to honor my gift of raw talent. When you honor your gifts, you are free to share them wholly and freely with others. What would the world be like if the most talented writers, artists, and musicians held onto their gifts? Dark, dull, and quiet.

When you find yourself stuck inside your head or getting in your own way, think about the people you came here to serve. When you honor your gifts, you honor your creator and also those whom you came here to serve.

Acknowledge yourself, embrace your spiritual gifts and honor them. When you practice these three insights, your life will flow, your gifts will make a difference, and your spirit will shine as it should be.

So be it.

