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15 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You on Your Journey to Success

Stars are born out of dark moments. ~Matshona Dhliwayo


1.    Believe in yourself, not in your critics.

2.    Fear is the greatest false prophet you will ever meet.

3.    To achieve success, ignore doubt; fame, ignore haters; greatness, ignore fear; and immortality, ignore hardship.

4.    To avoid enemies, say nothing; to avoid critics, do nothing; to avoid haters, be nothing; but to avoid mediocrity, ignore them all.

5.    When all seems to be against you, remember, a ship sometimes has to sail against the current, not with it.

6.      Harness your mind’s power and you can reach the mountaintop; your heart’s power and you can reach the stars; your soul’s power and you can reach the edge of the universe.

7.      Winners play to win. Losers play to avoid defeat.  Losing teaches you how to win; winning teaches you how not to lose.

8.    Talk less. Do more. Fear less. Achieve more.

9.    Dream like the masters. Work like the masters. Succeed like the masters. Inspire like the masters.

10.   Going where others have gone is competence, where few have gone is excellence, and where none have gone is transcendence.

11.   Skill reaches the ceiling, talent reaches the mountaintop, excellence reaches the sky, but genius reaches the stars.

12.   Dream what others do not. Imagine what others have not. Do what others will not. Achieve what others could not.

13.   Aim high, fight hard. Never aim low, never fight soft.

14.   Beautiful lips display eloquence. Beautiful ears display patience. Beautiful hands display excellence. Beautiful minds display intelligence. Beautiful hearts display kindness. Beautiful souls display transcendence.

15.   Genius begins where talent ends.

The breathtaking view at the mountaintop is compensation
for all of the breath lost whilst sweating towards it.
~Matshona Dhliwayo

