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Your Most Important Client


Many people have said to me, “If you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life.”

In fact, this has come out of my own mouth many times!

And it is certainly true. To an extent.

As spiritual entrepreneurs, we tend to put our whole selves—every ounce of our being—into the creation of our businesses. And why not? Our businesses are making a positive impact in the world, right?

We are raising the global vibration! We are helping people! We have to spend every second of every day devoted to this cause, right?

And if we set aside time to take care of ourselves, we are ignoring our duties to universe and humanity…

Or are we?

Here is a Thought…

Once, there was a man taking care of his sick wife. They were very poor and could barely afford food.

Every day, he would go out and work and beg for food. The small amount that he got, he would bring back to his wife—without keeping any for himself. His focus was solely on serving her.

Each day he would collect food, and bring all of it to her. But he got weaker and weaker.

Eventually, he died of starvation because he hadn’t been eating any of the food he was getting.

His wife died of starvation shortly after, because she didn’t have anyone to take care of her anymore.

Why am I telling you this unpleasant story?

To illustrate just how important it is to take care of ourselves first.

No matter how busy I get in my business (and believe me, I love what I do!), I still set aside time every day just for me. I roll out my yoga mat and work up a good sweat. Sometimes I go hiking. Or sometimes I just cuddle up and read a book.

I also spend at least an hour in meditation every single day.

Is This Selfish?

Absolutely not.

I used to think so, though. Spending all this time focusing on me, how is this helping the world?

The answer: If we take pristinely good care of ourselves, we will have sharper focus, more energy, and a better ability to serve the world at the highest level possible.

So if you happen to be one of those people who always says, “I would love to do yoga or spend an hour meditating every day, but I just don’t have time,” then take a good look at your priorities.

If your spiritual business is your priority, then taking care of your physical, mental, and spiritual body should be at the top of your to-do list!

You aren’t going to be able to help very many people if your energy is dropping and your mind is getting fuzzy from exhaustion. In fact, you will be doing the opposite because your vibration will get lower by the day.

But keeping your vibration HIGH, by doing things for yourself, maybe even buying yourself a present, will keep you adept and able to fully utilize these beautiful gifts that Spirit has given you to share with the rest of the world.

So take a look at your schedule and your life right now. Are you taking care of YOU? Do you add ‘me-time’ into your planner?

I’m serious. Do it now. Open your planner and add ‘me-time’ into your schedule. Make it official.

If you actually schedule it into your daily activities, you are less likely to skip out on it. Believe me, your body, mind, and Spirit will thank you.

So will all of your clients, and even the rest of the world—on a vibrational level!

You are your most important client, so act like it!


