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The REAL Reason Rich People Are Happy


My daughter brought up an interesting point to me surrounding her opinions about money. She told me that money is evil and she doesn’t want anything to do with it because rich people aren’t as kind-hearted as poor people.

Her statement was a little shocking for me to hear coming out of my 8-year-old’s mouth, but I sat with it for a minute—pondering her words and crafting my response.

I finally decided to respond to her statement with a simple question, “Honey, why do you think money is bad?”

“Because money makes people mean,” she responded.

“Why do you think it makes people mean?”

“Because rich people are selfish. Poor people aren’t,” was her very definitive answer.

I knew she had been conditioned to think this way due to the influencing people in her life. I know this because I used to think this way as well. I resented wealthy people because they would walk right by people who were poor and suffering without even giving them a second look.

The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Right?

I didn’t want to be associated with any of that. And now I knew I had inadvertently passed this limiting belief on to my daughter.

While I have moved past this limiting belief now, I know there are others in her family that have not. And they still speak about this openly with her. Now she believes it too.

I gently pointed out to her that money is just energy. And the more energy we put out, the more we get back. Therefore, if we are generous—truly generous, we will receive financial abundance more times over than we put out.

But if we are selfish and greedy with our money-energy, we don’t get as much back, and then we end up in scarcity mode.

I told her that the more money I make, the more I can give away. Therefore, I can help even more people. The more I do this, the better I feel deep inside my soul, and the more comfortable I become physically. Then I am able to live as the best version of myself and help the world by raising the global vibration.

She pondered this. And then said, “Okay, maybe I don’t hate money anymore. Maybe I should just work hard at being a good person, and then I will make more and more money to help other people also be good people!” She was on a roll. “Then maybe I can even help them make more money!”fabian-blank-78637

“What a great idea!” I encouraged her.

She catches on quick. Such a bright little girl.

“So money really does make people happy then?” she asked.

“I don’t think it works that way exactly. Maybe think about it like this… happiness makes people money!”

Her eyes got big and wide as she processed the statement that I had blurted out completely off the top of my head. It always amazes me when Spirit speaks through me like that.

“You mean, it’s not actually the money that makes people happy?” she asked, but then answered her own question very eloquently, “So rich people aren’t actually happy because they have money… rich people have the money because they are happy!”

“Exactly,” I responded. “Think about it. There is something that most rich people have in common—they have a positive attitude toward life and money. Therefore, the universe brings them more of it.

“People who complain all the time about how miserable their lives are and how broke they are; usually don’t attract more money because the universe hears what they are saying and just brings them more misery. If you look around the world at the places with the most crime, it is where there is the least money.

“There are always exceptions of course. Not all poor people are unkind at all, and not all rich people are nice. That is certainly true. But the better your attitude, the better your life will be.”

“If only everybody knew this!” she said innocently. “And actually practiced it! Then everybody in the world would be happy! We have to tell people as many people as we can!!!!!!”

So together my daughter and I wrote this article. Please share it so we can get the word out!



