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Spiritual Biz Chat: Natalie Miles

Born and raised in the UK, Natalie Miles is a psychic Spiritual Guide and mentor whose mission is to support one’s spiritual journey by sharing, The Spirit Upgrade. This Upgrade connects with one’s Guides –in other words, cheerleaders in the spiritual realm. It guides, helps find the answers ones seek, and clears any blocks in the way. Working with guides will heal the past, and help people feel a sense of empowerment.

Kimberly:   Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, I am your host, Kimberly Maska, and today we have joining us Natalie Miles, a psychic Spiritual Guide and mentor, born and raised in the UK, whose mission is to support one’s spiritual journey by sharing and connecting with one’s Guides. Natalie, welcome and thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?

Natalie:   Hello! Thanks for having me. I’m really well thank you.

Kimberly:   Glad to have you here today! So, could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work, and tell us more about your business?

Natalie:   Wow it’s definitely been a journey. If you’d have told me four years ago that I’d be working as a Spiritual Guide and mentor full time, I would have been like “Really?”

Being intuitive has always been in the backdrop of my life and I met my Spirit Guide at the age of five. At the age of sixteen, I truly began to develop my skills by attending small groups educating on improving intuition and psychic abilities. It was here I unlocked my natural gifts working with Spirit to share messages with others.

I had a ten-year career in the film industry as a Producer where I worked with brands producing content and commercials. I traveled the world and worked on some exciting projects, but it always felt something was missing.

So at the end of 2016, I couldn’t ignore the calling of my Spirit Guide any longer and began working with Spirit full time. This is when my business, The Spirit Upgrade, was born. I was guided by Spirit to use my gifts to open the door and be the “upgrade” messenger. My mission is to inspire people across the globe to connect with their own Spirit Guides, so they can feel more connected, each and every day, and continue an upgraded soul journey.

Kimberly:   What was the turning point in taking the steps to make your passion a business? And how have you managed to turn that into a business?

Natalie:   I like to call our Spirit Guides our cheerleader team in Spirit. They give us guidance by throwing small pebbles at us to make us see that we need to make changes. If we’re not listening, they throw bigger rocks. Then, if we’re still not listening, they throw us the large boulder which will impact our lives so much we have to stop and look at it. This is what happened to me.

Spirit intervened and brought in the big boulder moment. I was let go from my job and forced to go within and discover my soul purpose. The irony was four months before this happened I’d already started creating the logo and business name around doing the psychic work full time. So when I got let go, I knew this was the push I was ready to take on.

I’ve really allowed my Guides and intuition to help me grow my business. I’ve trusted the signs, messages, and downloads from them. By creating the space to connect they’ve helped me bring in clients, publicity opportunities, and financial abundance. It’s also been a realization that all the gifts and talents in my previous role as a Producer have been invaluable in setting up the business. So I’ve been able to use my old skills to help guide me in my new career. It was a real ‘light bulb moment’ when I realized I’d been given all the skills and gifts from Spirit so I could turn this into a career.

Kimberly:   It seems that you were able to purely connect with your own spirit guides, to trust them and make confident steps on your path to your career goals and dreams. Could you share with our audience what spirit guides really are, how to tap into their life guidance at any time and how to use them to effectively navigate towards your dream career?

Natalie:   Yes! When I allowed my Guides to help guide me it was truly transformational, in all areas of my life. So we all have one main Spirit Guide who is with us from when are born until we die. They have lived many lifetimes here on earth and just like us have gifts, talents, personalities, and passions. They like to use these talents to help and connect with us. But we also have this cheerleader team of Spirit Guides that is made up of about six to eight different guides, all providing a different role and function to help you.

The first step to working with your Guides is to ask them to step forward. When we haven’t been connecting with them and they’ve been in the background for so long they need a little bit of encouragement. The best way to do this is to take 5-10 mins somewhere quiet, shut your eyes and ask in your head or out loud, “Guides I am ready to receive your messages and guidance, please step forward.” You will begin to notice their presence around you, so just start to notice any feelings, sensations or thoughts that come up for you.

One of the main reasons people come and see me one-on-one is to ask about their life purpose and dream career. So many people are disconnected from their work and are looking to make changes. One powerful way to start looking into your dream career by using your Guides is Spirit writing.

Create space and do a short meditation calling in your Guides. Then write a question at the top of a piece of paper to do with your dream career. Some examples could be: “What are my gifts and talents? How do I want to feel in this dream career? What is holding me back from my dream career?” Then just start writing. Get out of your head and write down what flows from the pen. It doesn’t need to look good, have proper spelling and grammar, but just see what flows from you from your Guides. You’ll be surprised with what you write.

Kimberly:   This is really invaluable! Now, is the experience with spirit guides much different for even navigating love and finding a soul mate?

Natalie:   Our Spirit Guides can a definitely help you find love and a soul mate. You can do the Spirit Guide writing practice to find love, too. But this time use questions like, How do I want to feel being with my soul mate? What are their key values and beliefs? So often we get stuck on what the potential future relationship looks like than what it feels like. Our Guides can help get you clear on the energy of the person you’re trying to attract.

Kimberly:   Is there a final message you want to let the audience know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?

Natalie:   Trust is so important when connecting with your Spirit Guides. So when you’re receiving guidance from them, trust that it’s not a coincidence or you’re making it up. The more you trust, the more messages you’ll receive.

If you’re looking to get more connected to your Spirit Guides, I’ve just released Get Guided an 11-day digital workshop where I share all of my top tips and advice to get you connected with your Guides. I lead you through a series of guided meditations, rituals, exercises, and activities so you feel confident in your own intuition. Your Guides are ready to work with you and I’m excited for you to use your Guides more in everyday life.

Kimberly:   If our readers wanted to reach you, where can they find you?

Natalie:   You can find me online at on Instagram at @iamnataliemiles and Facebook at @nataliemilesthespiritupgrade.

Kimberly:   Thank you, Natalie, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today and learning about your work.

Natalie:   Thank you! It’s been a pleasure to share with you my journey and work on Spirit Guides. Enjoy connecting with your Guides more!


