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The Presenter’s Journey, Level 1: Confidence

Welcome to the journey of a Presenter, aptly named ‘The Presenter’s Journey’.

I have chunked The Presenter’s Journey into 5 different stages and in this article, I will talk you through the first level, the most common mistakes people make at this level and explain to you how I can help you to go to the next.

The First Level, I call it ‘CONFIDENCE’.


It’s a pretty easy place to identify, as it’s highly likely, even though you know it will help you and your business, you haven’t even started yet due to not being confident in what you’re doing. It’s the fear of not knowing what to do, what’s your story; your message and simply, you don’t know what you don’t know.

I’ve made a list of the common mistakes that this stage make so you can identify if this is you after I will show you some ways in which I can help you to move forward.



1. You haven’t started yet as you keep procrastinating, waiting for the right time which will never come, unless you learn how. Procrastinating also due to not knowing what to talk about or the fear of, will anyone be interested  Or, as I like to call it, the analysis paralysis.

2. You speak quietly with no authority or believability, as though if you speak quietly you can get away with not being heard. You really don’t believe in your story or message yet.

3. Fear and anxiety are suffocating your performance,

4. Lack of confidence in your ability,

5. Don’t know where to start; basically, you don’t know what you don’t know.

6. Your video or Live Talk, if you are doing it is more about an audience saying ‘well done for trying’ than Ok yes I want what you’ve got.

7. Your business and your authentic self are not yet working as one, you probably don’t know what this means to be fair.

8. You don’t know who your audience is yet so you don’t know how to talk to them. Your audience cannot be, and is not EVERYONE!

My job, my responsibility and my gift as a Presenting coach are to take you to the next level. And the next level after CONFIDENCE is CLARITY.

Clarity is where you will find your Identity, your story and understands whom your audience is and how this dictates how you speak to them. This is where we find the foundation of who you are, what is your story and how to tell people with a sense of authority.


Let’s look at 3 ways of which I can take you to the level of CLARITY:

1. To take you from confidence to clarity, we need to find your unique story. Once you know your story, you can build on top of that and the ‘knowing’ and deep understanding of what this is will give you the confidence to move forward. Every business MUST have a story.  A favorite Fairy Tale of mine is, Once upon a time there was a business with no story– The End!  It is that simple.

2. I will give you logical, practical and ‘short cut’ tools that will help you to present confidently to Camera and Speak Live, with a sense of authority.

3. This is one of the favorites, I’m going to teach you how to use your voice to ensure that you’re heard; you feel confident and believe it or not, actually enjoy the process.

The hardest part of anything new is the starting.  Forget about the needing to be motivated, to be inspired or waiting for the right time.  JUST START!  Let’s get you on your way, starting from you going from Confidence into Clarity.



