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Getaways for those “Aha” Moments…


What does it mean to go on a retreat? And what is a retreat exactly? And how do you find one that is perfect for you? This month lets delve into what a retreat looks like – next month we will continue on this journey with what they feel like.

A Retreat can be for a week, 10 days, a weekend or some can even a day. They can be a glorious and learning experience. One where incredible productivity and connections can be made. It’s the chance to have a buzz over the dinner table that just isn’t often present in everyday interactions or workshops.

They are the place people have ‘aha’ moments where the direction of your life can change in an instant. I have seen this and felt it many times – it is truly indescribable when you have that defining moment in your life where nothing will ever be the same. They can change your life – it is an experience different to a group workshop as a good facilitator will hold space for magic to occur (and often you don’t even know it is happening). Retreats are designed around a common theme and can be as diverse as the people facilitating them. They are magical experiences that can take your breath away and leave you basking in their light for a long time after you come home.

A Retreat is where a group, colleagues, friends or strangers come together for a common purpose – to learn from a facilitator who is there to teach their passion to the group.

They can come in all shapes and forms, and a well organized where the facilitator holds space will allow your participants the opportunity to expand their mind. A good facilitator will know how to support and encourage them on a transformational journey.

They are different to having individual workshops as they can incorporate varying experiences that a standard program cannot.


● There is Peace and quiet and participants can get away from their normal lives

● Like minded people will be there as well

● There will be some sort of coaching theme and workshops

● Newness ‐ new place, people, and ideas

● Being unplugged from technology

● A new you ‐ there may be a new you when you go home ‐ refreshed and renewed

● Vision Boards might be included to start planning about future plans ‐ what you want to dream and aim for ‐ it sends a message to the universe saying “I want this”

● Learning from workshops and speakers

● A retreat can help with issues in your life and find some clarification

● Me time ‐ no constraints on children, relationships or other distractions

● Contemplation ‐ you will have time to contemplate your life

● There will be laughter and fun, new connections and friendships

● Busy and downtime ‐ sightseeing and relaxing

● Sleep ‐ you might get more than you normally do and for many, that’s a big attraction

● The opportunity to try something new

● The knowledge that participants are not alone in their stressors and struggles ‐ you will find that people open up to others and talk like they haven’t before often disclosing deep feelings and emotions

● People discovering their strengths and learning to use these to enhance their lives

A Retreat is a holiday in a sense, but it comes with the expectation of learning, the answering of questions and giving direction for the future and the responsibility of this will lie directly with you. You are the one organizing this and you are therefore the one that needs to make sure it happens in a magical and awe-inspiring way.

They are part of life’s journey and when you are deciding to go on one it has to be perfect for you. Next month we will discover what makes them feel and be perfect so you know they are the right one.


