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Empath Beware

img_0422Living in the spiritual mind-set is where we love to be. That’s why we have an interest in it, share it, talk about it and some of us work in it too.

As spiritual beings who love to feel the energy or connection with other sentient beings who have similar desires and pathways, it can become such a passion and drive that we are consumed in the beauty and love of it. We feel lighter and happier, and float on our etheric cloud of joy as we share what we know with others.

We are here to add value and create greater vibrations of love and light with those on the planet. We want to elevate or illuminate the path for others because we know what it was like before we saw the light.

Logically, our day to day life will be filled with all types of people, whether it is through our usual work, the local shop, our university, our kids friends or the grocery store. Many people aren’t familiar with our metaphysical – angel – tarot – crystal – woowoo chanting life style (lol), yet we know what we are about and are still conscious to change and become more enlightened and share with the world.

Attached to the advice to keep on going, keep on feeling, and keep on sharing, is a warning. A warning to be careful.

Be careful of those who are not like us. Those who do not look at the value in people with their unique styles of life and opinions and allow them that grace. There are people amongst us who see us as opportunities. Like a vessel or a cup, to look inside and see if there is any value for ‘them’ and what we will willingly give to them to serve their purpose. Their purpose isn’t for the highest good of us, or of mankind. Their purpose is for themselves.

Beware, fellow Empaths. These people exist.

These type of people come across as genuine nice guys / girls, who are interested in everything you are saying and willing to share. They will appear to be giving as much as you naturally want to give, and of course you do.

As an empath, who is a person who can comprehend and understand the feelings of others, we do just that. Being empathic isn’t to be confused with compassionate which is ‘feeling’ what others are feeling. The empath has an intuit vibe for the needs, ideals or directions of another person and will respect the paths of another person.

As we continue as Empaths, we will of course be passionately wanting to help, yet we will respect our fellow-traveller in the delivery of our message and how it may take some time for the recipient to absorb and adjust to the message. These things can take a long time and if we are pushing them past their choices then this becomes something of a concern about our own growth.

Actions do speak louder than words, so don’t just listen to what they say, wait and see that they are willing to participate in a fair exchange which benefits both.butterfly-744115_1920

Set your boundaries firm, both personally and professionally.

Make sure that people show their genuine desire by paying for services, committing to courses with a deposit, turning up to help when there are markets or expos to be done. Be sure that they do not hold all the cards, or it may be difficult to play any hands with them down the track.

And when we do have our fences set firmly which delineate our turf, then we can transaction with everyone over the fence and allow those who pay for their ticket (so to speak) through the gate to our precious kingdom of truth honesty respect and all those higher values which have no price.

We can’t change or help everyone even though we may want to. Allow the Universe to take care of those who do not adhere to spiritual qualities of truth and respect, while we continue to evolve on our enlightened path.

Be Open to Universal Possibilities, yet not so open as to become emptied out, as we offer our gifts.


