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Avoiding Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Burnout in Your Business

Because we are spiritual entrepreneurs, we don’t ever get stressed, right?

We don’t ever get overwhelmed.

We go about our day to day activities like serene, enlightened masters. Correct?

If you’re laughing at this right now, you are not alone!

Just because we are spiritual beings having a human experience, doesn’t mean that human experience isn’t pretty darn overwhelming at times. Especially when you are running a business. Even if it is a spiritual business.

You still have to deal with bookkeeping, taxes, payroll, time blocking, scheduling, and booking. And some of us might not just have our own schedule to worry about, but scheduling with clients, employees, and independent contractors.

We keep going because we are doing our part to raise the global vibration! And on a deep level, that makes us feel really good. Spiritual entrepreneurs are in this industry because they want to make a difference in the world.

But what happens when all of the little details from this human experience catch up with us?

I will tell you exactly what:


So How Do We Maintain Our Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness?

Stress, burnout, and overwhelm are not only reserved for CEOs of big corporations, stockbrokers, lawyers, and doctors. Anyone who owns a business has experienced something like this.

The part that is so interesting is that spiritual entrepreneurs tend to share a message of peace and serenity with the world—but we must always remind ourselves to practice what we preach.

Yoga and meditation have been this sanctuary for me.

For some, it’s running, or scuba diving, dancing, or swimming.

But if we don’t take time out daily to take care of these human vehicles that carry our souls around, we run the risk of becoming less physically, mentally, and spiritually fit.

To use myself in this example: I run a book publishing business for spiritual entrepreneurs. I spend most of my day at a computer screen—typing, editing, answering emails, and conducting video calls. I find myself staring at a screen for hours on end and spending very little time outdoors.

Even though I love what I do—I even wake up every morning looking forward to working; I was slowly starting to feel overwhelmed and burnt out.

I soon realized that I needed to spend some time outside. I now try to spend at least 10 minutes a day outside getting sunshine directly on my third eye. This helps to reverse the calcification of the pineal gland that can become so drastic from looking at a computer screen all the time.

I make a point of taking my dog on a 30-minute walk every day as well. This began to help, but it wasn’t enough. I started cutting out even more time for meditation in the mornings and the evenings. And no matter what, I make sure to roll out my yoga mat every single day for at least 15 minutes.

It seems like all of this would take up too much time, but I have learned that the more time I devote to my spiritual, physical, and mental well-being; the more productive I am in my business.

The best step I have taken has been to sign up for a membership at a hot yoga studio. This takes quite a bit of time out of my day, because I have to drive there, take the class, shower, get dressed, and drive home again—but it has changed everything.

I noticed I was spending so much time on the computer that my neck and arm were starting to cramp up all the time. My physical body was becoming less healthy even though I was still making a point to get some exercise. So by allowing this amount of self-care back into my life, I have been able to transform my productivity levels during my workday.

Everybody Has A Particular Rhythm That Helps Them Work Better.

My rhythm has evolved over the years. For instance, I have learned that I am not the type of person that can work eight solid hours in a row. I can work eight hours in a day, but I break it up throughout the day.

I do some yoga sun salutations every hour, I take little breaks to meditate for five minutes at a time throughout the day on top of my morning meditation practice, and now I make a point to attend my yoga classes at a studio at least three times per week.

Sure, I was doing it at home on my own, but there is something very different about going to a studio in a setting where someone else is leading the sequence. We can push our body much further when we aren’t the ones regulating ourselves. Our motivation just skyrockets! And once that happens—our productivity at work skyrockets as well.

So if you notice yourself becoming stressed, burnt out, or overwhelmed; take a look at your schedule. Are there any things you could change or rearrange? Can you time block more effectively? Can you do anything to get more organized?

Is there anything that you really love doing but don’t feel like you have time for? Maybe all you need to do to get back some of your mental sanity is to sit down and read an outstanding novel.

Maybe you need to set a timer and try to do 20 jumping jacks every hour.

Just take a moment to tune in with your body, mind, and spirit. What is your natural rhythm? Is there a way that you can alter your schedule to fit your natural rhythm a little bit better?

Some people thrive during the day if they have a really intense workout first thing in the morning. Others have more energy in the late afternoon or early evening, so that’s when physical activity is best for them. Other people work great throughout the day but have their crash at night. Everyone is different. So everyone needs to follow a different path.

Ask yourself if there are any positive changes you could make to increase your productivity levels and motivation in your business. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you. So will your co-workers, employees, and/or clients…


