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Ali’s Weekly Reading: September 18-24, 2017

tee-1698297_1920Hello, readers!

I’m happy to be back bringing you the weekly forecast.

I apologize for last week, but mother nature had different plans.  I was living in Irma’s path and had to evacuate.  It was a tough week.  So what’s in store for us this week.

Earths energies continue to dominate as it is shifting, stretching, and bringing about global changes. The universe is taxed with shifting the old patterns and old mindsets that we as humans have created.  This is why there has been so much talk of spirituality, love, and a general consensus to come together.

Believe it or not all these natural phenomena’s have a way of forcing people to forget their differences and come together for the greater good of all.  In doing this it is shifting consciousness to a new plane.  This is all part of the shift.  The universe has an energy rotation that is in constant movement.  This energy is intense and it will help to keep things in motion.  It’s a circular energy pattern that is meant to stir and move the energies to where everything needs to be.


As we move into this week you can expect a continuing pattern of personal growth and mental expansion.  You will experience moments of new awareness and insight into situations that affect you and others around you.   This week calls for significant changes that impact your path positively where you can fully expand into the person you want to be.   The fearless feminine energy continues to remain with us allowing you to feel powerful, self-assured and ready to make decisions that have a direct impact on your journey.  Seek spiritual guidance and connection as this will help you to work through your spiritual growth.

As you go achieving different goals this week you will increase your zest for living.   This “zest” is the key ingredient to increase your luck and prosperity.   This week you are growing on all levels, spiritually, intellectually, financially.  Do not hold back this week.  This week is for the taking.  Go for what you want.  All of your actions are being divinely guided therefore it is important to be in tune with your spirituality. It’s time to move with the changes.

Crystal energies that are influencing the week are Apache Tears, Amethyst, and AventurineApache Tears is generating clarity over situations.  It is helping to manifest new thought patterns and life visions.  Amethyst is aiding in increasing spirituality and intuition.  Lastly, Aventurine connects with the energy of increasing opportunities and prosperity.


Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,


